This theory of life does not rest upon speculation however, it is
one of the first facts of life demonstrated to the pupil of a Mystery school. He is taught
to watch a child in the act of dying, also, to watch it in the invisible world from day to
day, until it comes to a new birth a year or two later. Then he knows with absolute
certainty that we return to earth to reap in a future life what we now sow.
The reason for taking a child to watch in preference to an adult,
is, that the child is reborn very quickly, for its short life on earth has borne but few
fruits and these are soon assimilated, while the adult who has lived a long life, and had
much experience remains in the invisible worlds for centuries, so that the pupil could not
watch him from death to rebirth. The cause of infant mortality will be explained later, here
we merely desire to emphasize the fact that it is within the range of possibilities of every
one without exception[pg 052]to become able to know at first hand that which is here taught.
The average interval between two earth-lives is about a thousand
years. It is determined by the movement of the sun known to astronomers as precession of the equinox, by
which the sun moves through one of the signs of the Zodiac in about 2100 years. During that
time the conditions upon earth have changed so much that the spirit will find entirely new
experiences here, and therefore it returns.
The Great Leaders of evolution always obtain the maximum benefit
from each condition designed by them, and as the experiences in the same social conditions
are very different in the case of a man from what they are for a woman, the human spirit
takes birth twice during the 2100 years measured by the precession of the equinox as already
explained, it is born once as a man and another time as a woman. Such is the rule, but it is
subject to whatever modifications may be necessary to facilitate reaping what the spirit has
sown, as required under the law of Causation which works hand in hand with the law of
Rebirth. Thus, at times a spirit may be brought to birth long ere the thousand[pg 053]years have expired, in order to fulfill a certain mission, or it may be
detained in the invisible worlds after the time when it should have come to birth according
to the strict requirements of a blind law. The laws of nature are not that however. They are
Great Intelligences who always subordinate minor considerations to higher ends, and under
their beneficent guidance we are constantly progressing from life to life under conditions
exactly suited to each individual, until in time we shall attain to a higher evolution and
become Supermen.